Ceylon cinnamon vs Cassia

Ceylon cinnamon and Cassia cinnamon are both popular types of cinnamon, but they are not the same. Ceylon cinnamon is also known as “true cinnamon” and is native to Sri Lanka and southern India. It is considered to be of higher quality and has a sweeter, milder flavor compared to Cassia cinnamon. Cassia cinnamon, on the other hand, is native to China and is considered to be a cheaper alternative to Ceylon cinnamon. It has a stronger, more pungent flavor.

One of the key differences between the two is that Ceylon cinnamon is lower in coumarin, a compound that can be harmful in large amounts. Cassia cinnamon, however, has much higher levels of coumarin and should therefore be consumed in moderation.

Ceylon cinnamon is also considered to have a number of health benefits, such as reducing inflammation and helping to regulate blood sugar levels. It is also a rich source of antioxidants, which can help to protect the body against damage from free radicals.

When it comes to using cinnamon in cooking and baking, Ceylon cinnamon is often the preferred choice due to its milder flavor and versatility. It can be used in both sweet and savory dishes and is a popular ingredient in spice blends, desserts, and teas.

When it comes to buying cinnamon, it is important to read the label carefully and make sure that you are getting Ceylon cinnamon. Due to its higher cost, many companies may label their products as “Ceylon cinnamon” even if they contain mostly cassia.

The difference between Ceylon and Cassia Cinnamon can be summarised as below